The supernatural probably does not exist

The implications of the nonexistence of any supernatural things are wide and important. No good evidence points to the existence of any supernatural powers or phenomena. Yet, as ideas and concepts they definitively permeate the culture and our imaginations. They are the stuff of countless movies and the basis of any religion and spiritual beliefs and yet they most probably simply do not exist. They are imaginary.

Life is precious and short. Wasting our time on imaginary and delusional ideas as if they were real is tragic.

The work of Suzan Blackmore and James Randi have helped many realize that the supernatural is simply nonexistent. Their life work extremely beneficial.

Susan Blackmore

James Randi

Supernatural powers and complexity

Complexity and high numbers are often present without our awareness. We make ensembles of particular things like, the number of skin cells of our skin, like the number of hairs in our hair, the number of flakes in a bowl of cereal or of grains of rice in a meal. These high numbers, with the complexity that it can thus generate, is for the most part unconscious to us. Nonetheless, this is where the capacity for the functioning of the nervous system and functions like consciousness and reasoning and memory take place. Supernatural powers are projected on to the nervous system and the DNA but the case must be made that these alleged supernatural powers are actually the direct effect of the functioning of nervous system and other informational aspects of ourselves like DNA.